# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at
# https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/
# Copyright the Hypothesis Authors.
# Individual contributors are listed in AUTHORS.rst and the git log.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
# obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import codecs
import enum
import math
import operator
import random
import re
import string
import sys
import typing
import warnings
from collections.abc import Collection, Hashable, Iterable, Sequence
from contextvars import ContextVar
from decimal import Context, Decimal, localcontext
from fractions import Fraction
from functools import reduce
from inspect import Parameter, Signature, isabstract, isclass
from re import Pattern
from types import FunctionType, GenericAlias
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID
import attr
from hypothesis._settings import note_deprecation
from hypothesis.control import (
from hypothesis.errors import (
from hypothesis.internal.cathetus import cathetus
from hypothesis.internal.charmap import (
categories as all_categories,
from hypothesis.internal.compat import (
from hypothesis.internal.conjecture.utils import (
from hypothesis.internal.entropy import get_seeder_and_restorer
from hypothesis.internal.floats import float_of
from hypothesis.internal.reflection import (
from hypothesis.internal.validation import (
from hypothesis.strategies._internal import SearchStrategy, check_strategy
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.collections import (
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.deferred import DeferredStrategy
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.functions import FunctionStrategy
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.lazy import LazyStrategy, unwrap_strategies
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.misc import BooleansStrategy, just, none, nothing
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.numbers import (
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.recursive import RecursiveStrategy
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.shared import SharedStrategy
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.strategies import (
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.strings import (
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.utils import cacheable, defines_strategy
from hypothesis.utils.conventions import not_set
from hypothesis.vendor.pretty import RepresentationPrinter
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
from types import EllipsisType as EllipsisType
elif typing.TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from builtins import ellipsis as EllipsisType
EllipsisType = type(Ellipsis) # pragma: no cover
def booleans() -> SearchStrategy[bool]:
"""Returns a strategy which generates instances of :class:`python:bool`.
Examples from this strategy will shrink towards ``False`` (i.e.
shrinking will replace ``True`` with ``False`` where possible).
return BooleansStrategy()
def sampled_from(elements: Sequence[T]) -> SearchStrategy[T]: # pragma: no cover
def sampled_from(elements: type[enum.Enum]) -> SearchStrategy[Any]: # pragma: no cover
# `SearchStrategy[Enum]` is unreliable due to metaclass issues.
def sampled_from(
elements: Union[type[enum.Enum], Sequence[Any]]
) -> SearchStrategy[Any]: # pragma: no cover
def sampled_from(
elements: Union[type[enum.Enum], Sequence[Any]]
) -> SearchStrategy[Any]:
"""Returns a strategy which generates any value present in ``elements``.
Note that as with :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.just`, values will not be
copied and thus you should be careful of using mutable data.
``sampled_from`` supports ordered collections, as well as
:class:`~python:enum.Enum` objects. :class:`~python:enum.Flag` objects
may also generate any combination of their members.
Examples from this strategy shrink by replacing them with values earlier in
the list. So e.g. ``sampled_from([10, 1])`` will shrink by trying to replace
1 values with 10, and ``sampled_from([1, 10])`` will shrink by trying to
replace 10 values with 1.
It is an error to sample from an empty sequence, because returning :func:`nothing`
makes it too easy to silently drop parts of compound strategies. If you need
that behaviour, use ``sampled_from(seq) if seq else nothing()``.
values = check_sample(elements, "sampled_from")
if isinstance(elements, type) and issubclass(elements, enum.Enum):
repr_ = f"sampled_from({elements.__module__}.{elements.__name__})"
repr_ = f"sampled_from({elements!r})"
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
repr_ = None
if isclass(elements) and issubclass(elements, enum.Flag):
# Combinations of enum.Flag members (including empty) are also members. We generate these
# dynamically, because static allocation takes O(2^n) memory. LazyStrategy is used for the
# ease of force_repr.
# Add all named values, both flag bits (== list(elements)) and aliases. The aliases are
# necessary for full coverage for flags that would fail enum.NAMED_FLAGS check, and they
# are also nice values to shrink to.
flags = sorted(
key=lambda v: (bit_count(v.value), v.value),
# Finally, try to construct the empty state if it is not named. It's placed at the
# end so that we shrink to named values.
flags_with_empty = flags
if not flags or flags[0].value != 0:
flags_with_empty = [*flags, elements(0)]
except TypeError: # pragma: no cover
# Happens on some python versions (at least 3.12) when there are no named values
inner = [
# Consider one or no named flags set, with shrink-to-named-flag behaviour.
# Special cases (length zero or one) are handled by the inner sampled_from.
if len(flags) > 1:
inner += [
# Uniform distribution over number of named flags or combinations set. The overlap
# at r=1 is intentional, it may lead to oversampling but gives consistent shrinking
# behaviour.
integers(min_value=1, max_value=len(flags))
.flatmap(lambda r: sets(sampled_from(flags), min_size=r, max_size=r))
.map(lambda s: elements(reduce(operator.or_, s))),
return LazyStrategy(one_of, args=inner, kwargs={}, force_repr=repr_)
if not values:
if (
isinstance(elements, type)
and issubclass(elements, enum.Enum)
and vars(elements).get("__annotations__")
# See https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/2923
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Cannot sample from {elements.__module__}.{elements.__name__} "
"because it contains no elements. It does however have annotations, "
"so maybe you tried to write an enum as if it was a dataclass?"
raise InvalidArgument("Cannot sample from a length-zero sequence.")
if len(values) == 1:
return just(values[0])
return SampledFromStrategy(values, repr_)
def lists(
elements: SearchStrategy[Ex],
min_size: int = 0,
max_size: Optional[int] = None,
unique_by: Union[
Callable[[Ex], Hashable],
tuple[Callable[[Ex], Hashable], ...],
] = None,
unique: bool = False,
) -> SearchStrategy[list[Ex]]:
"""Returns a list containing values drawn from elements with length in the
interval [min_size, max_size] (no bounds in that direction if these are
None). If max_size is 0, only the empty list will be drawn.
If ``unique`` is True (or something that evaluates to True), we compare direct
object equality, as if unique_by was ``lambda x: x``. This comparison only
works for hashable types.
If ``unique_by`` is not None it must be a callable or tuple of callables
returning a hashable type when given a value drawn from elements. The
resulting list will satisfy the condition that for ``i`` != ``j``,
``unique_by(result[i])`` != ``unique_by(result[j])``.
If ``unique_by`` is a tuple of callables the uniqueness will be respective
to each callable.
For example, the following will produce two columns of integers with both
columns being unique respectively.
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> twoints = st.tuples(st.integers(), st.integers())
>>> st.lists(twoints, unique_by=(lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1]))
Examples from this strategy shrink by trying to remove elements from the
list, and by shrinking each individual element of the list.
check_valid_sizes(min_size, max_size)
check_strategy(elements, "elements")
if unique:
if unique_by is not None:
raise InvalidArgument(
"cannot specify both unique and unique_by "
"(you probably only want to set unique_by)"
unique_by = identity
if max_size == 0:
return builds(list)
if unique_by is not None:
if not (callable(unique_by) or isinstance(unique_by, tuple)):
raise InvalidArgument(
f"{unique_by=} is not a callable or tuple of callables"
if callable(unique_by):
unique_by = (unique_by,)
if len(unique_by) == 0:
raise InvalidArgument("unique_by is empty")
for i, f in enumerate(unique_by):
if not callable(f):
raise InvalidArgument(f"unique_by[{i}]={f!r} is not a callable")
# Note that lazy strategies automatically unwrap when passed to a defines_strategy
# function.
tuple_suffixes = None
if (
# We're generating a list of tuples unique by the first element, perhaps
# via st.dictionaries(), and this will be more efficient if we rearrange
# our strategy somewhat to draw the first element then draw add the rest.
isinstance(elements, TupleStrategy)
and len(elements.element_strategies) >= 1
and len(unique_by) == 1
and (
# Introspection for either `itemgetter(0)`, or `lambda x: x[0]`
isinstance(unique_by[0], operator.itemgetter)
and repr(unique_by[0]) == "operator.itemgetter(0)"
or (
isinstance(unique_by[0], FunctionType)
and re.fullmatch(
r"lambda ([a-z]+): \1\[0\]",
unique_by = (identity,)
tuple_suffixes = TupleStrategy(elements.element_strategies[1:])
elements = elements.element_strategies[0]
# UniqueSampledListStrategy offers a substantial performance improvement for
# unique arrays with few possible elements, e.g. of eight-bit integer types.
if (
isinstance(elements, IntegersStrategy)
and None not in (elements.start, elements.end)
and (elements.end - elements.start) <= 255
elements = SampledFromStrategy(
sorted(range(elements.start, elements.end + 1), key=abs)
if elements.end < 0 or elements.start > 0
else list(range(elements.end + 1))
+ list(range(-1, elements.start - 1, -1))
if isinstance(elements, SampledFromStrategy):
element_count = len(elements.elements)
if min_size > element_count:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Cannot create a collection of {min_size=} unique "
f"elements with values drawn from only {element_count} distinct "
if max_size is not None:
max_size = min(max_size, element_count)
max_size = element_count
return UniqueSampledListStrategy(
return UniqueListStrategy(
return ListStrategy(elements, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size)
def sets(
elements: SearchStrategy[Ex],
min_size: int = 0,
max_size: Optional[int] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[set[Ex]]:
"""This has the same behaviour as lists, but returns sets instead.
Note that Hypothesis cannot tell if values are drawn from elements
are hashable until running the test, so you can define a strategy
for sets of an unhashable type but it will fail at test time.
Examples from this strategy shrink by trying to remove elements from the
set, and by shrinking each individual element of the set.
return lists(
elements=elements, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, unique=True
def frozensets(
elements: SearchStrategy[Ex],
min_size: int = 0,
max_size: Optional[int] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[frozenset[Ex]]:
"""This is identical to the sets function but instead returns
return lists(
elements=elements, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, unique=True
class PrettyIter:
def __init__(self, values):
self._values = values
self._iter = iter(self._values)
def __iter__(self):
return self._iter
def __next__(self):
return next(self._iter)
def __repr__(self):
return f"iter({self._values!r})"
def iterables(
elements: SearchStrategy[Ex],
min_size: int = 0,
max_size: Optional[int] = None,
unique_by: Union[
Callable[[Ex], Hashable],
tuple[Callable[[Ex], Hashable], ...],
] = None,
unique: bool = False,
) -> SearchStrategy[Iterable[Ex]]:
"""This has the same behaviour as lists, but returns iterables instead.
Some iterables cannot be indexed (e.g. sets) and some do not have a
fixed length (e.g. generators). This strategy produces iterators,
which cannot be indexed and do not have a fixed length. This ensures
that you do not accidentally depend on sequence behaviour.
return lists(
def fixed_dictionaries(
mapping: dict[T, SearchStrategy[Ex]],
optional: Optional[dict[T, SearchStrategy[Ex]]] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[dict[T, Ex]]:
"""Generates a dictionary of the same type as mapping with a fixed set of
keys mapping to strategies. ``mapping`` must be a dict subclass.
Generated values have all keys present in mapping, in iteration order,
with the corresponding values drawn from mapping[key].
If ``optional`` is passed, the generated value *may or may not* contain each
key from ``optional`` and a value drawn from the corresponding strategy.
Generated values may contain optional keys in an arbitrary order.
Examples from this strategy shrink by shrinking each individual value in
the generated dictionary, and omitting optional key-value pairs.
check_type(dict, mapping, "mapping")
for k, v in mapping.items():
check_strategy(v, f"mapping[{k!r}]")
if optional is not None:
check_type(dict, optional, "optional")
for k, v in optional.items():
check_strategy(v, f"optional[{k!r}]")
if type(mapping) != type(optional):
raise InvalidArgument(
"Got arguments of different types: mapping=%s, optional=%s"
% (nicerepr(type(mapping)), nicerepr(type(optional)))
if set(mapping) & set(optional):
raise InvalidArgument(
"The following keys were in both mapping and optional, "
f"which is invalid: {set(mapping) & set(optional)!r}"
return FixedAndOptionalKeysDictStrategy(mapping, optional)
return FixedKeysDictStrategy(mapping)
def dictionaries(
keys: SearchStrategy[Ex],
values: SearchStrategy[T],
dict_class: type = dict,
min_size: int = 0,
max_size: Optional[int] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[dict[Ex, T]]:
# Describing the exact dict_class to Mypy drops the key and value types,
# so we report Dict[K, V] instead of Mapping[Any, Any] for now. Sorry!
"""Generates dictionaries of type ``dict_class`` with keys drawn from the ``keys``
argument and values drawn from the ``values`` argument.
The size parameters have the same interpretation as for
Examples from this strategy shrink by trying to remove keys from the
generated dictionary, and by shrinking each generated key and value.
check_valid_sizes(min_size, max_size)
if max_size == 0:
return fixed_dictionaries(dict_class())
check_strategy(keys, "keys")
check_strategy(values, "values")
return lists(
tuples(keys, values),
def characters(
codec: Optional[str] = None,
min_codepoint: Optional[int] = None,
max_codepoint: Optional[int] = None,
categories: Optional[Collection[CategoryName]] = None,
exclude_categories: Optional[Collection[CategoryName]] = None,
exclude_characters: Optional[Collection[str]] = None,
include_characters: Optional[Collection[str]] = None,
# Note: these arguments are deprecated aliases for backwards compatibility
blacklist_categories: Optional[Collection[CategoryName]] = None,
whitelist_categories: Optional[Collection[CategoryName]] = None,
blacklist_characters: Optional[Collection[str]] = None,
whitelist_characters: Optional[Collection[str]] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[str]:
r"""Generates characters, length-one :class:`python:str`\ ings,
following specified filtering rules.
- When no filtering rules are specified, any character can be produced.
- If ``min_codepoint`` or ``max_codepoint`` is specified, then only
characters having a codepoint in that range will be produced.
- If ``categories`` is specified, then only characters from those
Unicode categories will be produced. This is a further restriction,
characters must also satisfy ``min_codepoint`` and ``max_codepoint``.
- If ``exclude_categories`` is specified, then any character from those
categories will not be produced. You must not pass both ``categories``
and ``exclude_categories``; these arguments are alternative ways to
specify exactly the same thing.
- If ``include_characters`` is specified, then any additional characters
in that list will also be produced.
- If ``exclude_characters`` is specified, then any characters in
that list will be not be produced. Any overlap between
``include_characters`` and ``exclude_characters`` will raise an
- If ``codec`` is specified, only characters in the specified `codec encodings`_
will be produced.
The ``_codepoint`` arguments must be integers between zero and
:obj:`python:sys.maxunicode`. The ``_characters`` arguments must be
collections of length-one unicode strings, such as a unicode string.
The ``_categories`` arguments must be used to specify either the
one-letter Unicode major category or the two-letter Unicode
`general category`_. For example, ``('Nd', 'Lu')`` signifies "Number,
decimal digit" and "Letter, uppercase". A single letter ('major category')
can be given to match all corresponding categories, for example ``'P'``
for characters in any punctuation category.
We allow codecs from the :mod:`codecs` module and their aliases, platform
specific and user-registered codecs if they are available, and
`python-specific text encodings`_ (but not text or binary transforms).
``include_characters`` which cannot be encoded using this codec will
raise an exception. If non-encodable codepoints or categories are
explicitly allowed, the ``codec`` argument will exclude them without
raising an exception.
.. _general category: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property
.. _codec encodings: https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#encodings-and-unicode
.. _python-specific text encodings: https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#python-specific-encodings
Examples from this strategy shrink towards the codepoint for ``'0'``,
or the first allowable codepoint after it if ``'0'`` is excluded.
check_valid_size(min_codepoint, "min_codepoint")
check_valid_size(max_codepoint, "max_codepoint")
check_valid_interval(min_codepoint, max_codepoint, "min_codepoint", "max_codepoint")
categories = cast(Optional[Categories], categories)
if categories is not None and exclude_categories is not None:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Pass at most one of {categories=} and {exclude_categories=} - "
"these arguments both specify which categories are allowed, so it "
"doesn't make sense to use both in a single call."
# Handle deprecation of whitelist/blacklist arguments
has_old_arg = any(v is not None for k, v in locals().items() if "list" in k)
has_new_arg = any(v is not None for k, v in locals().items() if "lude" in k)
if has_old_arg and has_new_arg:
raise InvalidArgument(
"The deprecated blacklist/whitelist arguments cannot be used in "
"the same call as their replacement include/exclude arguments."
if blacklist_categories is not None:
exclude_categories = blacklist_categories
if whitelist_categories is not None:
categories = whitelist_categories
if blacklist_characters is not None:
exclude_characters = blacklist_characters
if whitelist_characters is not None:
include_characters = whitelist_characters
if (
min_codepoint is None
and max_codepoint is None
and categories is None
and exclude_categories is None
and include_characters is not None
and codec is None
raise InvalidArgument(
"Nothing is excluded by other arguments, so passing only "
f"{include_characters=} would have no effect. "
"Also pass categories=(), or use "
f"sampled_from({include_characters!r}) instead."
exclude_characters = exclude_characters or ""
include_characters = include_characters or ""
overlap = set(exclude_characters).intersection(include_characters)
if overlap:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Characters {sorted(overlap)!r} are present in both "
f"{include_characters=} and {exclude_characters=}"
if categories is not None:
categories = as_general_categories(categories, "categories")
if exclude_categories is not None:
exclude_categories = as_general_categories(
exclude_categories, "exclude_categories"
if categories is not None and not categories and not include_characters:
raise InvalidArgument(
"When `categories` is an empty collection and there are "
"no characters specified in include_characters, nothing can "
"be generated by the characters() strategy."
both_cats = set(exclude_categories or ()).intersection(categories or ())
if both_cats:
# Note: we check that exactly one of `categories` or `exclude_categories` is
# passed above, but retain this older check for the deprecated arguments.
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Categories {sorted(both_cats)!r} are present in both "
f"{categories=} and {exclude_categories=}"
elif exclude_categories is not None:
categories = set(all_categories()) - set(exclude_categories)
del exclude_categories
if codec is not None:
codec = codecs.lookup(codec).name
# Check this is not a str-to-str or bytes-to-bytes codec; see
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#binary-transforms
except LookupError:
raise InvalidArgument(f"{codec=} is not valid on this system") from None
except Exception:
raise InvalidArgument(f"{codec=} is not a valid codec") from None
for char in include_characters:
char.encode(encoding=codec, errors="strict")
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Character {char!r} in {include_characters=} "
f"cannot be encoded with {codec=}"
) from None
# ascii and utf-8 are sufficient common that we have faster special handling
if codec == "ascii":
if (max_codepoint is None) or (max_codepoint > 127):
max_codepoint = 127
codec = None
elif codec == "utf-8":
if categories is None:
categories = all_categories()
categories = tuple(c for c in categories if c != "Cs")
return OneCharStringStrategy.from_characters_args(
# Hide the deprecated aliases from documentation and casual inspection
characters.__signature__ = (__sig := get_signature(characters)).replace( # type: ignore
parameters=[p for p in __sig.parameters.values() if "list" not in p.name]
def text(
alphabet: Union[Collection[str], SearchStrategy[str]] = characters(codec="utf-8"),
min_size: int = 0,
max_size: Optional[int] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[str]:
"""Generates strings with characters drawn from ``alphabet``, which should
be a collection of length one strings or a strategy generating such strings.
The default alphabet strategy can generate the full unicode range but
excludes surrogate characters because they are invalid in the UTF-8
encoding. You can use :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.characters` without
arguments to find surrogate-related bugs such as :bpo:`34454`.
``min_size`` and ``max_size`` have the usual interpretations.
Note that Python measures string length by counting codepoints: U+00C5
``Ã…`` is a single character, while U+0041 U+030A ``AÌŠ`` is two - the ``A``,
and a combining ring above.
Examples from this strategy shrink towards shorter strings, and with the
characters in the text shrinking as per the alphabet strategy.
This strategy does not :func:`~python:unicodedata.normalize` examples,
so generated strings may be in any or none of the 'normal forms'.
check_valid_sizes(min_size, max_size)
if isinstance(alphabet, SearchStrategy):
char_strategy = unwrap_strategies(alphabet)
if isinstance(char_strategy, SampledFromStrategy):
# Check this via the up-front validation logic below, and incidentally
# convert into a `characters()` strategy for standard text shrinking.
return text(char_strategy.elements, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size)
elif not isinstance(char_strategy, OneCharStringStrategy):
char_strategy = char_strategy.map(_check_is_single_character)
non_string = [c for c in alphabet if not isinstance(c, str)]
if non_string:
raise InvalidArgument(
"The following elements in alphabet are not unicode "
f"strings: {non_string!r}"
not_one_char = [c for c in alphabet if len(c) != 1]
if not_one_char:
raise InvalidArgument(
"The following elements in alphabet are not of length one, "
f"which leads to violation of size constraints: {not_one_char!r}"
if alphabet in ["ascii", "utf-8"]:
f"st.text({alphabet!r}): it seems like you are trying to use the "
f"codec {alphabet!r}. st.text({alphabet!r}) instead generates "
f"strings using the literal characters {list(alphabet)!r}. To specify "
f"the {alphabet} codec, use st.text(st.characters(codec={alphabet!r})). "
"If you intended to use character literals, you can silence this "
"warning by reordering the characters.",
# this stacklevel is of course incorrect, but breaking out of the
# levels of LazyStrategy and validation isn't worthwhile.
char_strategy = (
characters(categories=(), include_characters=alphabet)
if alphabet
else nothing()
if (max_size == 0 or char_strategy.is_empty) and not min_size:
return just("")
return TextStrategy(char_strategy, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size)
def from_regex(
regex: Union[bytes, Pattern[bytes]],
fullmatch: bool = False,
) -> SearchStrategy[bytes]: # pragma: no cover
def from_regex(
regex: Union[str, Pattern[str]],
fullmatch: bool = False,
alphabet: Union[str, SearchStrategy[str]] = characters(codec="utf-8"),
) -> SearchStrategy[str]: # pragma: no cover
def from_regex(
regex: Union[AnyStr, Pattern[AnyStr]],
fullmatch: bool = False,
alphabet: Union[str, SearchStrategy[str], None] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[AnyStr]:
r"""Generates strings that contain a match for the given regex (i.e. ones
for which :func:`python:re.search` will return a non-None result).
``regex`` may be a pattern or :func:`compiled regex <python:re.compile>`.
Both byte-strings and unicode strings are supported, and will generate
examples of the same type.
You can use regex flags such as :obj:`python:re.IGNORECASE` or
:obj:`python:re.DOTALL` to control generation. Flags can be passed either
in compiled regex or inside the pattern with a ``(?iLmsux)`` group.
Some regular expressions are only partly supported - the underlying
strategy checks local matching and relies on filtering to resolve
context-dependent expressions. Using too many of these constructs may
cause health-check errors as too many examples are filtered out. This
mainly includes (positive or negative) lookahead and lookbehind groups.
If you want the generated string to match the whole regex you should use
boundary markers. So e.g. ``r"\A.\Z"`` will return a single character
string, while ``"."`` will return any string, and ``r"\A.$"`` will return
a single character optionally followed by a ``"\n"``.
Alternatively, passing ``fullmatch=True`` will ensure that the whole
string is a match, as if you had used the ``\A`` and ``\Z`` markers.
The ``alphabet=`` argument constrains the characters in the generated
string, as for :func:`text`, and is only supported for unicode strings.
Examples from this strategy shrink towards shorter strings and lower
character values, with exact behaviour that may depend on the pattern.
check_type((str, bytes, re.Pattern), regex, "regex")
check_type(bool, fullmatch, "fullmatch")
pattern = regex.pattern if isinstance(regex, re.Pattern) else regex
if alphabet is not None:
check_type((str, SearchStrategy), alphabet, "alphabet")
if not isinstance(pattern, str):
raise InvalidArgument("alphabet= is not supported for bytestrings")
alphabet = OneCharStringStrategy.from_alphabet(alphabet)
elif isinstance(pattern, str):
alphabet = characters(codec="utf-8")
# TODO: We would like to move this to the top level, but pending some major
# refactoring it's hard to do without creating circular imports.
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.regex import regex_strategy
return regex_strategy(regex, fullmatch, alphabet=alphabet)
def binary(
min_size: int = 0,
max_size: Optional[int] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[bytes]:
"""Generates :class:`python:bytes`.
The generated :class:`python:bytes` will have a length of at least ``min_size``
and at most ``max_size``. If ``max_size`` is None there is no upper limit.
Examples from this strategy shrink towards smaller strings and lower byte
check_valid_sizes(min_size, max_size)
return BytesStrategy(min_size, max_size)
def randoms(
note_method_calls: bool = False,
use_true_random: bool = False,
) -> SearchStrategy[random.Random]:
"""Generates instances of ``random.Random``. The generated Random instances
are of a special HypothesisRandom subclass.
- If ``note_method_calls`` is set to ``True``, Hypothesis will print the
randomly drawn values in any falsifying test case. This can be helpful
for debugging the behaviour of randomized algorithms.
- If ``use_true_random`` is set to ``True`` then values will be drawn from
their usual distribution, otherwise they will actually be Hypothesis
generated values (and will be shrunk accordingly for any failing test
case). Setting ``use_true_random=False`` will tend to expose bugs that
would occur with very low probability when it is set to True, and this
flag should only be set to True when your code relies on the distribution
of values for correctness.
For managing global state, see the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.random_module`
strategy and :func:`~hypothesis.register_random` function.
check_type(bool, note_method_calls, "note_method_calls")
check_type(bool, use_true_random, "use_true_random")
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.random import RandomStrategy
return RandomStrategy(
use_true_random=use_true_random, note_method_calls=note_method_calls
class RandomModule(SearchStrategy):
def do_draw(self, data):
# It would be unsafe to do run this method more than once per test case,
# because cleanup() runs tasks in FIFO order (at time of writing!).
# Fortunately, the random_module() strategy wraps us in shared(), so
# it's cached for all but the first of any number of calls.
seed = data.draw(integers(0, 2**32 - 1))
seed_all, restore_all = get_seeder_and_restorer(seed)
return RandomSeeder(seed)
def random_module() -> SearchStrategy[RandomSeeder]:
"""Hypothesis always seeds global PRNGs before running a test, and restores the
previous state afterwards.
If having a fixed seed would unacceptably weaken your tests, and you
cannot use a ``random.Random`` instance provided by
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.randoms`, this strategy calls
:func:`python:random.seed` with an arbitrary integer and passes you
an opaque object whose repr displays the seed value for debugging.
If ``numpy.random`` is available, that state is also managed, as is anything
managed by :func:`hypothesis.register_random`.
Examples from these strategy shrink to seeds closer to zero.
return shared(RandomModule(), key="hypothesis.strategies.random_module()")
class BuildsStrategy(SearchStrategy):
def __init__(self, target, args, kwargs):
self.target = target
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def do_draw(self, data):
args = [data.draw(a) for a in self.args]
kwargs = {k: data.draw(v) for k, v in self.kwargs.items()}
obj = self.target(*args, **kwargs)
except TypeError as err:
if (
isinstance(self.target, type)
and issubclass(self.target, enum.Enum)
and not (self.args or self.kwargs)
name = self.target.__module__ + "." + self.target.__qualname__
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Calling {name} with no arguments raised an error - "
f"try using sampled_from({name}) instead of builds({name})"
) from err
if not (self.args or self.kwargs):
from .types import is_a_new_type, is_generic_type
if is_a_new_type(self.target) or is_generic_type(self.target):
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Calling {self.target!r} with no arguments raised an "
f"error - try using from_type({self.target!r}) instead "
f"of builds({self.target!r})"
) from err
if getattr(self.target, "__no_type_check__", None) is True:
# Note: could use PEP-678 __notes__ here. Migrate over once we're
# using an `exceptiongroup` backport with support for that.
raise TypeError(
"This might be because the @no_type_check decorator prevented "
"Hypothesis from inferring a strategy for some required arguments."
) from err
current_build_context().record_call(obj, self.target, args, kwargs)
return obj
def validate(self):
def __repr__(self):
bits = [get_pretty_function_description(self.target)]
bits.extend(map(repr, self.args))
bits.extend(f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in self.kwargs.items())
return f"builds({', '.join(bits)})"
def builds(
target: Callable[..., Ex],
*args: SearchStrategy[Any],
**kwargs: Union[SearchStrategy[Any], EllipsisType],
) -> SearchStrategy[Ex]:
"""Generates values by drawing from ``args`` and ``kwargs`` and passing
them to the callable (provided as the first positional argument) in the
appropriate argument position.
e.g. ``builds(target, integers(), flag=booleans())`` would draw an
integer ``i`` and a boolean ``b`` and call ``target(i, flag=b)``.
If the callable has type annotations, they will be used to infer a strategy
for required arguments that were not passed to builds. You can also tell
builds to infer a strategy for an optional argument by passing ``...``
(:obj:`python:Ellipsis`) as a keyword argument to builds, instead of a strategy for
that argument to the callable.
If the callable is a class defined with :pypi:`attrs`, missing required
arguments will be inferred from the attribute on a best-effort basis,
e.g. by checking :ref:`attrs standard validators <attrs:api-validators>`.
Dataclasses are handled natively by the inference from type hints.
Examples from this strategy shrink by shrinking the argument values to
the callable.
if not callable(target):
raise InvalidArgument(
"The first positional argument to builds() must be a callable "
"target to construct."
if ... in args: # type: ignore # we only annotated the allowed types
# Avoid an implementation nightmare juggling tuples and worse things
raise InvalidArgument(
"... was passed as a positional argument to "
"builds(), but is only allowed as a keyword arg"
required = required_args(target, args, kwargs)
to_infer = {k for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is ...}
if required or to_infer:
if isinstance(target, type) and attr.has(target):
# Use our custom introspection for attrs classes
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.attrs import from_attrs
return from_attrs(target, args, kwargs, required | to_infer)
# Otherwise, try using type hints
hints = get_type_hints(target)
if to_infer - set(hints):
badargs = ", ".join(sorted(to_infer - set(hints)))
raise InvalidArgument(
f"passed ... for {badargs}, but we cannot infer a strategy "
"because these arguments have no type annotation"
infer_for = {k: v for k, v in hints.items() if k in (required | to_infer)}
if infer_for:
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.types import _global_type_lookup
for kw, t in infer_for.items():
if t in _global_type_lookup:
kwargs[kw] = from_type(t)
# We defer resolution of these type annotations so that the obvious
# approach to registering recursive types just works. I.e.,
# if we're inside `register_type_strategy(cls, builds(cls, ...))`
# and `...` contains recursion on `cls`. See
# https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/3026
kwargs[kw] = deferred(lambda t=t: from_type(t)) # type: ignore
return BuildsStrategy(target, args, kwargs)
def from_type(thing: type[Ex_Inv]) -> SearchStrategy[Ex_Inv]:
"""Looks up the appropriate search strategy for the given type.
``from_type`` is used internally to fill in missing arguments to
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds` and can be used interactively
to explore what strategies are available or to debug type resolution.
You can use :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.register_type_strategy` to
handle your custom types, or to globally redefine certain strategies -
for example excluding NaN from floats, or use timezone-aware instead of
naive time and datetime strategies.
The resolution logic may be changed in a future version, but currently
tries these five options:
1. If ``thing`` is in the default lookup mapping or user-registered lookup,
return the corresponding strategy. The default lookup covers all types
with Hypothesis strategies, including extras where possible.
2. If ``thing`` is from the :mod:`python:typing` module, return the
corresponding strategy (special logic).
3. If ``thing`` has one or more subtypes in the merged lookup, return
the union of the strategies for those types that are not subtypes of
other elements in the lookup.
4. Finally, if ``thing`` has type annotations for all required arguments,
and is not an abstract class, it is resolved via
5. Because :mod:`abstract types <python:abc>` cannot be instantiated,
we treat abstract types as the union of their concrete subclasses.
Note that this lookup works via inheritance but not via
:obj:`~python:abc.ABCMeta.register`, so you may still need to use
There is a valuable recipe for leveraging ``from_type()`` to generate
"everything except" values from a specified type. I.e.
.. code-block:: python
def everything_except(excluded_types):
return (
.filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x, excluded_types))
For example, ``everything_except(int)`` returns a strategy that can
generate anything that ``from_type()`` can ever generate, except for
instances of :class:`python:int`, and excluding instances of types
added via :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.register_type_strategy`.
This is useful when writing tests which check that invalid input is
rejected in a certain way.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
return _from_type(thing)
except Exception:
return _from_type_deferred(thing)
def _from_type_deferred(thing: type[Ex]) -> SearchStrategy[Ex]:
# This tricky little dance is because we want to show the repr of the actual
# underlying strategy wherever possible, as a form of user education, but
# would prefer to fall back to the default "from_type(...)" repr instead of
# "deferred(...)" for recursive types or invalid arguments.
thing_repr = nicerepr(thing)
if hasattr(thing, "__module__"):
module_prefix = f"{thing.__module__}."
if not thing_repr.startswith(module_prefix):
thing_repr = module_prefix + thing_repr
repr_ = f"from_type({thing_repr})"
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
repr_ = None
return LazyStrategy(
lambda thing: deferred(lambda: _from_type(thing)),
_recurse_guard: ContextVar = ContextVar("recurse_guard")
def _from_type(thing: type[Ex]) -> SearchStrategy[Ex]:
# TODO: We would like to move this to the top level, but pending some major
# refactoring it's hard to do without creating circular imports.
from hypothesis.strategies._internal import types
def as_strategy(strat_or_callable, thing):
# User-provided strategies need some validation, and callables even more
# of it. We do this in three places, hence the helper function
if not isinstance(strat_or_callable, SearchStrategy):
assert callable(strat_or_callable) # Validated in register_type_strategy
strategy = strat_or_callable(thing)
strategy = strat_or_callable
if strategy is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
if not isinstance(strategy, SearchStrategy):
raise ResolutionFailed(
f"Error: {thing} was registered for {nicerepr(strat_or_callable)}, "
f"but returned non-strategy {strategy!r}"
if strategy.is_empty:
raise ResolutionFailed(f"Error: {thing!r} resolved to an empty strategy")
return strategy
def from_type_guarded(thing):
"""Returns the result of producer, or ... if recursion on thing is encountered"""
recurse_guard = _recurse_guard.get()
except LookupError:
# We can't simply define the contextvar with default=[], as the
# default object would be shared across contexts
_recurse_guard.set(recurse_guard := [])
if thing in recurse_guard:
raise RewindRecursive(thing)
return _from_type(thing)
except RewindRecursive as rr:
if rr.target != thing:
return ... # defer resolution
# Let registered extra modules handle their own recognized types first, before
# e.g. Unions are resolved
known = thing in types._global_type_lookup
except TypeError:
# thing is not always hashable!
if not known:
for module, resolver in types._global_extra_lookup.items():
if module in sys.modules:
strat = resolver(thing)
if strat is not None:
return strat
if not isinstance(thing, type):
if types.is_a_new_type(thing):
# Check if we have an explicitly registered strategy for this thing,
# resolve it so, and otherwise resolve as for the base type.
if thing in types._global_type_lookup:
strategy = as_strategy(types._global_type_lookup[thing], thing)
if strategy is not NotImplemented:
return strategy
return _from_type(thing.__supertype__)
# Unions are not instances of `type` - but we still want to resolve them!
if types.is_a_union(thing):
args = sorted(thing.__args__, key=types.type_sorting_key)
return one_of([_from_type(t) for t in args])
if thing in types.LiteralStringTypes: # pragma: no cover
# We can't really cover this because it needs either
# typing-extensions or python3.11+ typing.
# `LiteralString` from runtime's point of view is just a string.
# Fallback to regular text.
return text()
# We also have a special case for TypeVars.
# They are represented as instances like `~T` when they come here.
# We need to work with their type instead.
if isinstance(thing, TypeVar) and type(thing) in types._global_type_lookup:
strategy = as_strategy(types._global_type_lookup[type(thing)], thing)
if strategy is not NotImplemented:
return strategy
if not types.is_a_type(thing):
if isinstance(thing, str):
# See https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/3016
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Got {thing!r} as a type annotation, but the forward-reference "
"could not be resolved from a string to a type. Consider using "
"`from __future__ import annotations` instead of forward-reference "
raise InvalidArgument(f"{thing=} must be a type") # pragma: no cover
if thing in types.NON_RUNTIME_TYPES:
# Some code like `st.from_type(TypeAlias)` does not make sense.
# Because there are types in python that do not exist in runtime.
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Could not resolve {thing!r} to a strategy, "
f"because there is no such thing as a runtime instance of {thing!r}"
# Now that we know `thing` is a type, the first step is to check for an
# explicitly registered strategy. This is the best (and hopefully most
# common) way to resolve a type to a strategy. Note that the value in the
# lookup may be a strategy or a function from type -> strategy; and we
# convert empty results into an explicit error.
if thing in types._global_type_lookup:
strategy = as_strategy(types._global_type_lookup[thing], thing)
if strategy is not NotImplemented:
return strategy
elif (
isinstance(thing, GenericAlias)
and (to := get_origin(thing)) in types._global_type_lookup
strategy = as_strategy(types._global_type_lookup[to], thing)
if strategy is not NotImplemented:
return strategy
except TypeError: # pragma: no cover
# This was originally due to a bizarre divergence in behaviour on Python 3.9.0:
# typing.Callable[[], foo] has __args__ = (foo,) but collections.abc.Callable
# has __args__ = ([], foo); and as a result is non-hashable.
# We've kept it because we turn out to have more type errors from... somewhere.
# FIXME: investigate that, maybe it should be fixed more precisely?
if (hasattr(typing, "_TypedDictMeta") and type(thing) is typing._TypedDictMeta) or (
hasattr(types.typing_extensions, "_TypedDictMeta") # type: ignore
and type(thing) is types.typing_extensions._TypedDictMeta # type: ignore
): # pragma: no cover
def _get_annotation_arg(key, annotation_type):
return get_args(annotation_type)[0]
except IndexError:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"`{key}: {annotation_type.__name__}` is not a valid type annotation"
) from None
# Taken from `Lib/typing.py` and modified:
def _get_typeddict_qualifiers(key, annotation_type):
qualifiers = []
while True:
annotation_origin = types.extended_get_origin(annotation_type)
if annotation_origin is Annotated:
if annotation_args := get_args(annotation_type):
annotation_type = annotation_args[0]
elif annotation_origin in types.RequiredTypes:
annotation_type = _get_annotation_arg(key, annotation_type)
elif annotation_origin in types.NotRequiredTypes:
annotation_type = _get_annotation_arg(key, annotation_type)
elif annotation_origin in types.ReadOnlyTypes:
annotation_type = _get_annotation_arg(key, annotation_type)
return set(qualifiers), annotation_type
# The __optional_keys__ attribute may or may not be present, but if there's no
# way to tell and we just have to assume that everything is required.
# See https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/17214 for details.
optional = set(getattr(thing, "__optional_keys__", ()))
required = set(
getattr(thing, "__required_keys__", get_type_hints(thing).keys())
anns = {}
for k, v in get_type_hints(thing).items():
qualifiers, v = _get_typeddict_qualifiers(k, v)
# We ignore `ReadOnly` type for now, only unwrap it.
if types.RequiredTypes in qualifiers:
if types.NotRequiredTypes in qualifiers:
anns[k] = from_type_guarded(v)
if anns[k] is ...:
anns[k] = _from_type_deferred(v)
if not required.isdisjoint(optional): # pragma: no cover
# It is impossible to cover, because `typing.py` or `typing-extensions`
# won't allow creating incorrect TypedDicts,
# this is just a sanity check from our side.
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Required keys overlap with optional keys in a TypedDict:"
f" {required=}, {optional=}"
if (
(not anns)
and thing.__annotations__
and ".<locals>." in getattr(thing, "__qualname__", "")
raise InvalidArgument("Failed to retrieve type annotations for local type")
return fixed_dictionaries( # type: ignore
mapping={k: v for k, v in anns.items() if k in required},
optional={k: v for k, v in anns.items() if k in optional},
# If there's no explicitly registered strategy, maybe a subtype of thing
# is registered - if so, we can resolve it to the subclass strategy.
# We'll start by checking if thing is from from the typing module,
# because there are several special cases that don't play well with
# subclass and instance checks.
if isinstance(thing, types.typing_root_type) or (
isinstance(get_origin(thing), type) and get_args(thing)
return types.from_typing_type(thing)
# If it's not from the typing module, we get all registered types that are
# a subclass of `thing` and are not themselves a subtype of any other such
# type. For example, `Number -> integers() | floats()`, but bools() is
# not included because bool is a subclass of int as well as Number.
strategies = [
for s in (
as_strategy(v, thing)
for k, v in sorted(types._global_type_lookup.items(), key=repr)
if isinstance(k, type)
and issubclass(k, thing)
and sum(types.try_issubclass(k, typ) for typ in types._global_type_lookup)
== 1
if s is not NotImplemented
if any(not s.is_empty for s in strategies):
return one_of(strategies)
# If we don't have a strategy registered for this type or any subtype, we
# may be able to fall back on type annotations.
if issubclass(thing, enum.Enum):
return sampled_from(thing)
# Finally, try to build an instance by calling the type object. Unlike builds(),
# this block *does* try to infer strategies for arguments with default values.
# That's because of the semantic different; builds() -> "call this with ..."
# so we only infer when *not* doing so would be an error; from_type() -> "give
# me arbitrary instances" so the greater variety is acceptable.
# And if it's *too* varied, express your opinions with register_type_strategy()
if not isabstract(thing):
# If we know that builds(thing) will fail, give a better error message
required = required_args(thing)
if required and not (
or attr.has(thing)
or is_typed_named_tuple(thing) # weird enough that we have a specific check
raise ResolutionFailed(
f"Could not resolve {thing!r} to a strategy; consider "
"using register_type_strategy"
hints = get_type_hints(thing)
params = get_signature(thing).parameters
except Exception:
params = {} # type: ignore
posonly_args = []
kwargs = {}
for k, p in params.items():
if (
and k in hints
and k != "return"
ps = from_type_guarded(hints[k])
if p.default is not Parameter.empty and ps is not ...:
ps = just(p.default) | ps
if p.kind is Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
# builds() doesn't infer strategies for positional args, so:
if ps is ...: # pragma: no cover # rather fiddly to test
if p.default is Parameter.empty:
raise ResolutionFailed(
f"Could not resolve {thing!r} to a strategy; "
"consider using register_type_strategy"
ps = just(p.default)
kwargs[k] = ps
if (
and not (posonly_args or kwargs)
and not issubclass(thing, BaseException)
from_type_repr = repr_call(from_type, (thing,), {})
builds_repr = repr_call(builds, (thing,), {})
f"{from_type_repr} resolved to {builds_repr}, because we could not "
"find any (non-varargs) arguments. Use st.register_type_strategy() "
"to resolve to a strategy which can generate more than one value, "
"or silence this warning.",
return builds(thing, *posonly_args, **kwargs)
# And if it's an abstract type, we'll resolve to a union of subclasses instead.
subclasses = thing.__subclasses__()
if not subclasses:
raise ResolutionFailed(
f"Could not resolve {thing!r} to a strategy, because it is an abstract "
"type without any subclasses. Consider using register_type_strategy"
subclass_strategies = nothing()
for sc in subclasses:
subclass_strategies |= _from_type(sc)
except Exception:
if subclass_strategies.is_empty:
# We're unable to resolve subclasses now, but we might be able to later -
# so we'll just go back to the mixed distribution.
return sampled_from(subclasses).flatmap(_from_type)
return subclass_strategies
def fractions(
min_value: Optional[Union[Real, str]] = None,
max_value: Optional[Union[Real, str]] = None,
max_denominator: Optional[int] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[Fraction]:
"""Returns a strategy which generates Fractions.
If ``min_value`` is not None then all generated values are no less than
``min_value``. If ``max_value`` is not None then all generated values are no
greater than ``max_value``. ``min_value`` and ``max_value`` may be anything accepted
by the :class:`~fractions.Fraction` constructor.
If ``max_denominator`` is not None then the denominator of any generated
values is no greater than ``max_denominator``. Note that ``max_denominator`` must
be None or a positive integer.
Examples from this strategy shrink towards smaller denominators, then
closer to zero.
min_value = try_convert(Fraction, min_value, "min_value")
max_value = try_convert(Fraction, max_value, "max_value")
# These assertions tell Mypy what happened in try_convert
assert min_value is None or isinstance(min_value, Fraction)
assert max_value is None or isinstance(max_value, Fraction)
check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")
check_valid_integer(max_denominator, "max_denominator")
if max_denominator is not None:
if max_denominator < 1:
raise InvalidArgument(f"{max_denominator=} must be >= 1")
if min_value is not None and min_value.denominator > max_denominator:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"The {min_value=} has a denominator greater than the "
if max_value is not None and max_value.denominator > max_denominator:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"The {max_value=} has a denominator greater than the "
if min_value is not None and min_value == max_value:
return just(min_value)
def dm_func(denom):
"""Take denom, construct numerator strategy, and build fraction."""
# Four cases of algebra to get integer bounds and scale factor.
min_num, max_num = None, None
if max_value is None and min_value is None:
elif min_value is None:
max_num = denom * max_value.numerator
denom *= max_value.denominator
elif max_value is None:
min_num = denom * min_value.numerator
denom *= min_value.denominator
low = min_value.numerator * max_value.denominator
high = max_value.numerator * min_value.denominator
scale = min_value.denominator * max_value.denominator
# After calculating our integer bounds and scale factor, we remove
# the gcd to avoid drawing more bytes for the example than needed.
# Note that `div` can be at most equal to `scale`.
div = math.gcd(scale, math.gcd(low, high))
min_num = denom * low // div
max_num = denom * high // div
denom *= scale // div
return builds(
Fraction, integers(min_value=min_num, max_value=max_num), just(denom)
if max_denominator is None:
return integers(min_value=1).flatmap(dm_func)
return (
integers(1, max_denominator)
.map(lambda f: f.limit_denominator(max_denominator))
def _as_finite_decimal(
value: Union[Real, str, None], name: str, allow_infinity: Optional[bool]
) -> Optional[Decimal]:
"""Convert decimal bounds to decimals, carefully."""
assert name in ("min_value", "max_value")
if value is None:
return None
if not isinstance(value, Decimal):
with localcontext(Context()): # ensure that default traps are enabled
value = try_convert(Decimal, value, name)
assert isinstance(value, Decimal)
if value.is_finite():
return value
if value.is_infinite() and (value < 0 if "min" in name else value > 0):
if allow_infinity or allow_infinity is None:
return None
raise InvalidArgument(f"{allow_infinity=}, but {name}={value!r}")
# This could be infinity, quiet NaN, or signalling NaN
raise InvalidArgument(f"Invalid {name}={value!r}")
def decimals(
min_value: Optional[Union[Real, str]] = None,
max_value: Optional[Union[Real, str]] = None,
allow_nan: Optional[bool] = None,
allow_infinity: Optional[bool] = None,
places: Optional[int] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[Decimal]:
"""Generates instances of :class:`python:decimal.Decimal`, which may be:
- A finite rational number, between ``min_value`` and ``max_value``.
- Not a Number, if ``allow_nan`` is True. None means "allow NaN, unless
``min_value`` and ``max_value`` are not None".
- Positive or negative infinity, if ``max_value`` and ``min_value``
respectively are None, and ``allow_infinity`` is not False. None means
"allow infinity, unless excluded by the min and max values".
Note that where floats have one ``NaN`` value, Decimals have four: signed,
and either *quiet* or *signalling*. See `the decimal module docs
<https://docs.python.org/3/library/decimal.html#special-values>`_ for
more information on special values.
If ``places`` is not None, all finite values drawn from the strategy will
have that number of digits after the decimal place.
Examples from this strategy do not have a well defined shrink order but
try to maximize human readability when shrinking.
# Convert min_value and max_value to Decimal values, and validate args
check_valid_integer(places, "places")
if places is not None and places < 0:
raise InvalidArgument(f"{places=} may not be negative")
min_value = _as_finite_decimal(min_value, "min_value", allow_infinity)
max_value = _as_finite_decimal(max_value, "max_value", allow_infinity)
check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")
if allow_infinity and (None not in (min_value, max_value)):
raise InvalidArgument("Cannot allow infinity between finite bounds")
# Set up a strategy for finite decimals. Note that both floating and
# fixed-point decimals require careful handling to remain isolated from
# any external precision context - in short, we always work out the
# required precision for lossless operation and use context methods.
if places is not None:
# Fixed-point decimals are basically integers with a scale factor
def ctx(val):
"""Return a context in which this value is lossless."""
precision = ceil(math.log10(abs(val) or 1)) + places + 1
return Context(prec=max([precision, 1]))
def int_to_decimal(val):
context = ctx(val)
return context.quantize(context.multiply(val, factor), factor)
factor = Decimal(10) ** -places
min_num, max_num = None, None
if min_value is not None:
min_num = ceil(ctx(min_value).divide(min_value, factor))
if max_value is not None:
max_num = floor(ctx(max_value).divide(max_value, factor))
if min_num is not None and max_num is not None and min_num > max_num:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"There are no decimals with {places} places between "
f"{min_value=} and {max_value=}"
strat = integers(min_num, max_num).map(int_to_decimal)
# Otherwise, they're like fractions featuring a power of ten
def fraction_to_decimal(val):
precision = (
ceil(math.log10(abs(val.numerator) or 1) + math.log10(val.denominator))
+ 1
return Context(prec=precision or 1).divide(
Decimal(val.numerator), val.denominator
strat = fractions(min_value, max_value).map(fraction_to_decimal)
# Compose with sampled_from for infinities and NaNs as appropriate
special: list[Decimal] = []
if allow_nan or (allow_nan is None and (None in (min_value, max_value))):
special.extend(map(Decimal, ("NaN", "-NaN", "sNaN", "-sNaN")))
if allow_infinity or (allow_infinity is None and max_value is None):
if allow_infinity or (allow_infinity is None and min_value is None):
return strat | (sampled_from(special) if special else nothing())
def recursive(
base: SearchStrategy[Ex],
extend: Callable[[SearchStrategy[Any]], SearchStrategy[T]],
max_leaves: int = 100,
) -> SearchStrategy[Union[T, Ex]]:
"""base: A strategy to start from.
extend: A function which takes a strategy and returns a new strategy.
max_leaves: The maximum number of elements to be drawn from base on a given
This returns a strategy ``S`` such that ``S = extend(base | S)``. That is,
values may be drawn from base, or from any strategy reachable by mixing
applications of | and extend.
An example may clarify: ``recursive(booleans(), lists)`` would return a
strategy that may return arbitrarily nested and mixed lists of booleans.
So e.g. ``False``, ``[True]``, ``[False, []]``, and ``[[[[True]]]]`` are
all valid values to be drawn from that strategy.
Examples from this strategy shrink by trying to reduce the amount of
recursion and by shrinking according to the shrinking behaviour of base
and the result of extend.
return RecursiveStrategy(base, extend, max_leaves)
class PermutationStrategy(SearchStrategy):
def __init__(self, values):
self.values = values
def do_draw(self, data):
# Reversed Fisher-Yates shuffle: swap each element with itself or with
# a later element. This shrinks i==j for each element, i.e. to no
# change. We don't consider the last element as it's always a no-op.
result = list(self.values)
for i in range(len(result) - 1):
j = data.draw_integer(i, len(result) - 1)
result[i], result[j] = result[j], result[i]
return result
def permutations(values: Sequence[T]) -> SearchStrategy[list[T]]:
"""Return a strategy which returns permutations of the ordered collection
Examples from this strategy shrink by trying to become closer to the
original order of values.
values = check_sample(values, "permutations")
if not values:
return builds(list)
return PermutationStrategy(values)
class CompositeStrategy(SearchStrategy):
def __init__(self, definition, args, kwargs):
self.definition = definition
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def do_draw(self, data):
return self.definition(data.draw, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
def calc_label(self):
return calc_label_from_cls(self.definition)
class DrawFn(Protocol):
"""This type only exists so that you can write type hints for functions
decorated with :func:`@composite <hypothesis.strategies.composite>`.
.. code-block:: python
def list_and_index(draw: DrawFn) -> tuple[int, str]:
i = draw(integers()) # type inferred as 'int'
s = draw(text()) # type inferred as 'str'
return i, s
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Protocols cannot be instantiated") # pragma: no cover
# Protocol overrides our signature for __init__,
# so we override it right back to make the docs look nice.
__signature__: Signature = Signature(parameters=[])
# We define this as a callback protocol because a simple typing.Callable is
# insufficient to fully represent the interface, due to the optional `label`
# parameter.
def __call__(self, strategy: SearchStrategy[Ex], label: object = None) -> Ex:
raise NotImplementedError
def _composite(f):
# Wrapped below, using ParamSpec if available
if isinstance(f, (classmethod, staticmethod)):
special_method = type(f)
f = f.__func__
special_method = None
sig = get_signature(f)
params = tuple(sig.parameters.values())
if not (params and "POSITIONAL" in params[0].kind.name):
raise InvalidArgument(
"Functions wrapped with composite must take at least one "
"positional argument."
if params[0].default is not sig.empty:
raise InvalidArgument("A default value for initial argument will never be used")
if not (f is typing._overload_dummy or is_first_param_referenced_in_function(f)):
"There is no reason to use @st.composite on a function which "
"does not call the provided draw() function internally.",
if get_origin(sig.return_annotation) is SearchStrategy:
ret_repr = repr(sig.return_annotation).replace("hypothesis.strategies.", "st.")
f"Return-type annotation is `{ret_repr}`, but the decorated "
"function should return a value (not a strategy)",
stacklevel=3 if sys.version_info[:2] > (3, 9) else 5, # ugh
if params[0].kind.name != "VAR_POSITIONAL":
params = params[1:]
newsig = sig.replace(
if sig.return_annotation is sig.empty
else SearchStrategy[sig.return_annotation]
@define_function_signature(f.__name__, f.__doc__, newsig)
def accept(*args, **kwargs):
return CompositeStrategy(f, args, kwargs)
accept.__module__ = f.__module__
accept.__signature__ = newsig
if special_method is not None:
return special_method(accept)
return accept
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING or ParamSpec is not None:
P = ParamSpec("P")
def composite(
f: Callable[Concatenate[DrawFn, P], Ex]
) -> Callable[P, SearchStrategy[Ex]]:
"""Defines a strategy that is built out of potentially arbitrarily many
other strategies.
This is intended to be used as a decorator. See
:ref:`the full documentation for more details <composite-strategies>`
about how to use this function.
Examples from this strategy shrink by shrinking the output of each draw
return _composite(f)
else: # pragma: no cover
def composite(f: Callable[..., Ex]) -> Callable[..., SearchStrategy[Ex]]:
"""Defines a strategy that is built out of potentially arbitrarily many
other strategies.
This is intended to be used as a decorator. See
:ref:`the full documentation for more details <composite-strategies>`
about how to use this function.
Examples from this strategy shrink by shrinking the output of each draw
return _composite(f)
def complex_numbers(
min_magnitude: Real = 0,
max_magnitude: Optional[Real] = None,
allow_infinity: Optional[bool] = None,
allow_nan: Optional[bool] = None,
allow_subnormal: bool = True,
width: Literal[32, 64, 128] = 128,
) -> SearchStrategy[complex]:
"""Returns a strategy that generates :class:`~python:complex`
This strategy draws complex numbers with constrained magnitudes.
The ``min_magnitude`` and ``max_magnitude`` parameters should be
non-negative :class:`~python:numbers.Real` numbers; a value
of ``None`` corresponds an infinite upper bound.
If ``min_magnitude`` is nonzero or ``max_magnitude`` is finite, it
is an error to enable ``allow_nan``. If ``max_magnitude`` is finite,
it is an error to enable ``allow_infinity``.
``allow_infinity``, ``allow_nan``, and ``allow_subnormal`` are
applied to each part of the complex number separately, as for
The magnitude constraints are respected up to a relative error
of (around) floating-point epsilon, due to implementation via
the system ``sqrt`` function.
The ``width`` argument specifies the maximum number of bits of precision
required to represent the entire generated complex number.
Valid values are 32, 64 or 128, which correspond to the real and imaginary
components each having width 16, 32 or 64, respectively.
Passing ``width=64`` will still use the builtin 128-bit
:class:`~python:complex` class, but always for values which can be
exactly represented as two 32-bit floats.
Examples from this strategy shrink by shrinking their real and
imaginary parts, as :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.floats`.
If you need to generate complex numbers with particular real and
imaginary parts or relationships between parts, consider using
:func:`builds(complex, ...) <hypothesis.strategies.builds>` or
:func:`@composite <hypothesis.strategies.composite>` respectively.
check_valid_magnitude(min_magnitude, "min_magnitude")
check_valid_magnitude(max_magnitude, "max_magnitude")
check_valid_interval(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, "min_magnitude", "max_magnitude")
if max_magnitude == math.inf:
max_magnitude = None
if allow_infinity is None:
allow_infinity = bool(max_magnitude is None)
elif allow_infinity and max_magnitude is not None:
raise InvalidArgument(f"Cannot have {allow_infinity=} with {max_magnitude=}")
if allow_nan is None:
allow_nan = bool(min_magnitude == 0 and max_magnitude is None)
elif allow_nan and not (min_magnitude == 0 and max_magnitude is None):
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Cannot have {allow_nan=}, {min_magnitude=}, {max_magnitude=}"
check_type(bool, allow_subnormal, "allow_subnormal")
if width not in (32, 64, 128):
raise InvalidArgument(
f"{width=}, but must be 32, 64 or 128 (other complex dtypes "
"such as complex192 or complex256 are not supported)"
# For numpy, these types would be supported (but not by CPython):
# https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/arrays.scalars.html#complex-floating-point-types
component_width = width // 2
allow_kw = {
"allow_nan": allow_nan,
"allow_infinity": allow_infinity,
# If we have a nonzero normal min_magnitude and draw a zero imaginary part,
# then allow_subnormal=True would be an error with the min_value to the floats()
# strategy for the real part. We therefore replace True with None.
"allow_subnormal": None if allow_subnormal else allow_subnormal,
"width": component_width,
if min_magnitude == 0 and max_magnitude is None:
# In this simple but common case, there are no constraints on the
# magnitude and therefore no relationship between the real and
# imaginary parts.
return builds(complex, floats(**allow_kw), floats(**allow_kw)) # type: ignore
def constrained_complex(draw):
# We downcast drawn floats to the desired (component) width so we
# guarantee the resulting complex values are representable. Note
# truncating the mantissa bits with float_of() cannot increase the
# magnitude of a float, so we are guaranteed to stay within the allowed
# range. See https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/3573
# Draw the imaginary part, and determine the maximum real part given
# this and the max_magnitude
if max_magnitude is None:
zi = draw(floats(**allow_kw))
rmax = None
zi = draw(
-float_of(max_magnitude, component_width),
float_of(max_magnitude, component_width),
rmax = float_of(cathetus(max_magnitude, zi), component_width)
# Draw the real part from the allowed range given the imaginary part
if min_magnitude == 0 or math.fabs(zi) >= min_magnitude:
zr = draw(floats(None if rmax is None else -rmax, rmax, **allow_kw))
rmin = float_of(cathetus(min_magnitude, zi), component_width)
zr = draw(floats(rmin, rmax, **allow_kw))
# Order of conditions carefully tuned so that for a given pair of
# magnitude arguments, we always either draw or do not draw the bool
# (crucial for good shrinking behaviour) but only invert when needed.
if min_magnitude > 0 and draw(booleans()) and math.fabs(zi) <= min_magnitude:
zr = -zr
return complex(zr, zi)
return constrained_complex()
def shared(
base: SearchStrategy[Ex],
key: Optional[Hashable] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[Ex]:
"""Returns a strategy that draws a single shared value per run, drawn from
base. Any two shared instances with the same key will share the same value,
otherwise the identity of this strategy will be used. That is:
>>> s = integers() # or any other strategy
>>> x = shared(s)
>>> y = shared(s)
In the above x and y may draw different (or potentially the same) values.
In the following they will always draw the same:
>>> x = shared(s, key="hi")
>>> y = shared(s, key="hi")
Examples from this strategy shrink as per their base strategy.
return SharedStrategy(base, key)
def _maybe_nil_uuids(draw, uuid):
# Equivalent to `random_uuids | just(...)`, with a stronger bias to the former.
if draw(data()).conjecture_data.draw_boolean(1 / 64):
return UUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
return uuid
def uuids(
*, version: Optional[Literal[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] = None, allow_nil: bool = False
) -> SearchStrategy[UUID]:
"""Returns a strategy that generates :class:`UUIDs <uuid.UUID>`.
If the optional version argument is given, value is passed through
to :class:`~python:uuid.UUID` and only UUIDs of that version will
be generated.
If ``allow_nil`` is True, generate the nil UUID much more often.
Otherwise, all returned values from this will be unique, so e.g. if you do
``lists(uuids())`` the resulting list will never contain duplicates.
Examples from this strategy don't have any meaningful shrink order.
check_type(bool, allow_nil, "allow_nil")
if version not in (None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
raise InvalidArgument(
f"{version=}, but version must be in "
"(None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) to pass to the uuid.UUID constructor."
random_uuids = shared(
randoms(use_true_random=True), key="hypothesis.strategies.uuids.generator"
).map(lambda r: UUID(version=version, int=r.getrandbits(128)))
if allow_nil:
if version is not None:
raise InvalidArgument("The nil UUID is not of any version")
return random_uuids.flatmap(_maybe_nil_uuids)
return random_uuids
class RunnerStrategy(SearchStrategy):
def __init__(self, default):
self.default = default
def do_draw(self, data):
runner = getattr(data, "hypothesis_runner", not_set)
if runner is not_set:
if self.default is not_set:
raise InvalidArgument(
"Cannot use runner() strategy with no "
"associated runner or explicit default."
return self.default
return runner
def runner(*, default: Any = not_set) -> SearchStrategy[Any]:
"""A strategy for getting "the current test runner", whatever that may be.
The exact meaning depends on the entry point, but it will usually be the
associated 'self' value for it.
If you are using this in a rule for stateful testing, this strategy
will return the instance of the :class:`~hypothesis.stateful.RuleBasedStateMachine`
that the rule is running for.
If there is no current test runner and a default is provided, return
that default. If no default is provided, raises InvalidArgument.
Examples from this strategy do not shrink (because there is only one).
return RunnerStrategy(default)
class DataObject:
"""This type only exists so that you can write type hints for tests using
the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.data` strategy. Do not use it directly!
# Note that "only exists" here really means "is only exported to users",
# but we want to treat it as "semi-stable", not document it as "public API".
def __init__(self, data):
self.count = 0
self.conjecture_data = data
__signature__ = Signature() # hide internals from Sphinx introspection
def __repr__(self):
return "data(...)"
def draw(self, strategy: SearchStrategy[Ex], label: Any = None) -> Ex:
check_strategy(strategy, "strategy")
self.count += 1
desc = f"Draw {self.count}{'' if label is None else f' ({label})'}"
with deprecate_random_in_strategy("{}from {!r}", desc, strategy):
result = self.conjecture_data.draw(strategy, observe_as=f"generate:{desc}")
# optimization to avoid needless printer.pretty
if should_note():
printer = RepresentationPrinter(context=current_build_context())
printer.text(f"{desc}: ")
if self.conjecture_data.provider.avoid_realization:
return result
class DataStrategy(SearchStrategy):
supports_find = False
def do_draw(self, data):
if not hasattr(data, "hypothesis_shared_data_strategy"):
data.hypothesis_shared_data_strategy = DataObject(data)
return data.hypothesis_shared_data_strategy
def __repr__(self):
return "data()"
def map(self, f):
def filter(self, f):
def flatmap(self, f):
def example(self):
def __not_a_first_class_strategy(self, name):
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Cannot call {name} on a DataStrategy. You should probably "
"be using @composite for whatever it is you're trying to do."
def data() -> SearchStrategy[DataObject]:
"""This isn't really a normal strategy, but instead gives you an object
which can be used to draw data interactively from other strategies.
See :ref:`the rest of the documentation <interactive-draw>` for more
complete information.
Examples from this strategy do not shrink (because there is only one),
but the result of calls to each ``data.draw()`` call shrink as they normally would.
return DataStrategy()
def register_type_strategy(
custom_type: type[Ex],
strategy: Union[SearchStrategy[Ex], Callable[[type[Ex]], SearchStrategy[Ex]]],
) -> None:
"""Add an entry to the global type-to-strategy lookup.
This lookup is used in :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds` and
:func:`@given <hypothesis.given>`.
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds` will be used automatically for
classes with type annotations on ``__init__`` , so you only need to
register a strategy if one or more arguments need to be more tightly
defined than their type-based default, or if you want to supply a strategy
for an argument with a default value.
``strategy`` may be a search strategy, or a function that takes a type and
returns a strategy (useful for generic types). The function may return
:data:`NotImplemented` to conditionally not provide a strategy for the type
(the type will still be resolved by other methods, if possible, as if the
function was not registered).
Note that you may not register a parametrised generic type (such as
``MyCollection[int]``) directly, because the resolution logic does not
handle this case correctly. Instead, you may register a *function* for
``MyCollection`` and `inspect the type parameters within that function
# TODO: We would like to move this to the top level, but pending some major
# refactoring it's hard to do without creating circular imports.
from hypothesis.strategies._internal import types
if not types.is_a_type(custom_type):
raise InvalidArgument(f"{custom_type=} must be a type")
if custom_type in types.NON_RUNTIME_TYPES:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"{custom_type=} is not allowed to be registered, "
f"because there is no such thing as a runtime instance of {custom_type!r}"
if not (isinstance(strategy, SearchStrategy) or callable(strategy)):
raise InvalidArgument(
f"{strategy=} must be a SearchStrategy, or a function that takes "
"a generic type and returns a specific SearchStrategy"
if isinstance(strategy, SearchStrategy):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("error", HypothesisSideeffectWarning)
# Calling is_empty forces materialization of lazy strategies. If this is done at import
# time, lazy strategies will warn about it; here, we force that warning to raise to
# avoid the materialization. Ideally, we'd just check if the strategy is lazy, but the
# lazy strategy may be wrapped underneath another strategy so that's complicated.
if strategy.is_empty:
raise InvalidArgument(f"{strategy=} must not be empty")
except HypothesisSideeffectWarning: # pragma: no cover
if types.has_type_arguments(custom_type):
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Cannot register generic type {custom_type!r}, because it has type "
"arguments which would not be handled. Instead, register a function "
f"for {get_origin(custom_type)!r} which can inspect specific type "
"objects and return a strategy."
if (
"pydantic.generics" in sys.modules
and issubclass(custom_type, sys.modules["pydantic.generics"].GenericModel)
and not re.search(r"[A-Za-z_]+\[.+\]", repr(custom_type))
and callable(strategy)
): # pragma: no cover
# See https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/2940
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Cannot register a function for {custom_type!r}, because parametrized "
"`pydantic.generics.GenericModel` subclasses aren't actually generic "
"types at runtime. In this case, you should register a strategy "
"directly for each parametrized form that you anticipate using."
types._global_type_lookup[custom_type] = strategy
from_type.__clear_cache() # type: ignore
def deferred(definition: Callable[[], SearchStrategy[Ex]]) -> SearchStrategy[Ex]:
"""A deferred strategy allows you to write a strategy that references other
strategies that have not yet been defined. This allows for the easy
definition of recursive and mutually recursive strategies.
The definition argument should be a zero-argument function that returns a
strategy. It will be evaluated the first time the strategy is used to
produce an example.
Example usage:
>>> import hypothesis.strategies as st
>>> x = st.deferred(lambda: st.booleans() | st.tuples(x, x))
>>> x.example()
(((False, (True, True)), (False, True)), (True, True))
>>> x.example()
Mutual recursion also works fine:
>>> a = st.deferred(lambda: st.booleans() | b)
>>> b = st.deferred(lambda: st.tuples(a, a))
>>> a.example()
>>> b.example()
(False, (False, ((False, True), False)))
Examples from this strategy shrink as they normally would from the strategy
returned by the definition.
return DeferredStrategy(definition)
def domains():
import hypothesis.provisional
return hypothesis.provisional.domains()
def emails(
*, domains: SearchStrategy[str] = LazyStrategy(domains, (), {})
) -> SearchStrategy[str]:
"""A strategy for generating email addresses as unicode strings. The
address format is specified in :rfc:`5322#section-3.4.1`. Values shrink
towards shorter local-parts and host domains.
If ``domains`` is given then it must be a strategy that generates domain
names for the emails, defaulting to :func:`~hypothesis.provisional.domains`.
This strategy is useful for generating "user data" for tests, as
mishandling of email addresses is a common source of bugs.
local_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "!#$%&'*+-/=^_`{|}~"
local_part = text(local_chars, min_size=1, max_size=64)
# TODO: include dot-atoms, quoted strings, escaped chars, etc in local part
return builds("{}@{}".format, local_part, domains).filter(
lambda addr: len(addr) <= 254
def _functions(*, like, returns, pure):
# Wrapped up to use ParamSpec below
check_type(bool, pure, "pure")
if not callable(like):
raise InvalidArgument(
"The first argument to functions() must be a callable to imitate, "
f"but got non-callable like={nicerepr(like)!r}"
if returns in (None, ...):
# Passing `None` has never been *documented* as working, but it still
# did from May 2020 to Jan 2022 so we'll avoid breaking it without cause.
hints = get_type_hints(like)
returns = from_type(hints.get("return", type(None)))
check_strategy(returns, "returns")
return FunctionStrategy(like, returns, pure)
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING or ParamSpec is not None:
def functions(
*, pure: bool = ...
) -> SearchStrategy[Callable[[], None]]: # pragma: no cover
def functions(
like: Callable[P, T],
pure: bool = ...,
) -> SearchStrategy[Callable[P, T]]: # pragma: no cover
def functions(
returns: SearchStrategy[T],
pure: bool = ...,
) -> SearchStrategy[Callable[[], T]]: # pragma: no cover
def functions(
like: Callable[P, Any],
returns: SearchStrategy[T],
pure: bool = ...,
) -> SearchStrategy[Callable[P, T]]: # pragma: no cover
def functions(*, like=lambda: None, returns=..., pure=False):
# We shouldn't need overloads here, but mypy disallows default args for
# generics: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/3737
"""functions(*, like=lambda: None, returns=..., pure=False)
A strategy for functions, which can be used in callbacks.
The generated functions will mimic the interface of ``like``, which must
be a callable (including a class, method, or function). The return value
for the function is drawn from the ``returns`` argument, which must be a
strategy. If ``returns`` is not passed, we attempt to infer a strategy
from the return-type annotation if present, falling back to :func:`~none`.
If ``pure=True``, all arguments passed to the generated function must be
hashable, and if passed identical arguments the original return value will
be returned again - *not* regenerated, so beware mutable values.
If ``pure=False``, generated functions do not validate their arguments, and
may return a different value if called again with the same arguments.
Generated functions can only be called within the scope of the ``@given``
which created them. This strategy does not support ``.example()``.
return _functions(like=like, returns=returns, pure=pure)
else: # pragma: no cover
def functions(
like: Callable[..., Any] = lambda: None,
returns: Union[SearchStrategy[Any], EllipsisType] = ...,
pure: bool = False,
) -> SearchStrategy[Callable[..., Any]]:
"""functions(*, like=lambda: None, returns=..., pure=False)
A strategy for functions, which can be used in callbacks.
The generated functions will mimic the interface of ``like``, which must
be a callable (including a class, method, or function). The return value
for the function is drawn from the ``returns`` argument, which must be a
strategy. If ``returns`` is not passed, we attempt to infer a strategy
from the return-type annotation if present, falling back to :func:`~none`.
If ``pure=True``, all arguments passed to the generated function must be
hashable, and if passed identical arguments the original return value will
be returned again - *not* regenerated, so beware mutable values.
If ``pure=False``, generated functions do not validate their arguments, and
may return a different value if called again with the same arguments.
Generated functions can only be called within the scope of the ``@given``
which created them. This strategy does not support ``.example()``.
return _functions(like=like, returns=returns, pure=pure)
def slices(draw: Any, size: int) -> slice:
"""Generates slices that will select indices up to the supplied size
Generated slices will have start and stop indices that range from -size to size - 1
and will step in the appropriate direction. Slices should only produce an empty selection
if the start and end are the same.
Examples from this strategy shrink toward 0 and smaller values
check_valid_size(size, "size")
if size == 0:
step = draw(none() | integers().filter(bool))
return slice(None, None, step)
# For slices start is inclusive and stop is exclusive
start = draw(integers(0, size - 1) | none())
stop = draw(integers(0, size) | none())
# Limit step size to be reasonable
if start is None and stop is None:
max_step = size
elif start is None:
max_step = stop
elif stop is None:
max_step = start
max_step = abs(start - stop)
step = draw(integers(1, max_step or 1))
if (draw(booleans()) and start == stop) or (stop or 0) < (start or 0):
step *= -1
if draw(booleans()) and start is not None:
start -= size
if draw(booleans()) and stop is not None:
stop -= size
if (not draw(booleans())) and step == 1:
step = None
return slice(start, stop, step)