Source code for hypothesis.extra.django._impl

# coding=utf-8
# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at
# Most of this work is copyright (C) 2013-2019 David R. MacIver
# (, but it contains contributions by others. See
# CONTRIBUTING.rst for a full list of people who may hold copyright, and
# consult the git log if you need to determine who owns an individual
# contribution.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import unittest
from functools import partial

import django.db.models as dm
import django.forms as df
import django.test as dt
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import IntegrityError

import hypothesis.strategies._internal.core as st
from hypothesis import reject
from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument
from hypothesis.extra.django._fields import from_field
from hypothesis.utils.conventions import infer

if False:
    from datetime import tzinfo  # noqa
    from typing import Any, Type, Optional, List, Text, Callable, Union  # noqa
    from hypothesis.utils.conventions import InferType  # noqa

class HypothesisTestCase(object):
    def setup_example(self):

    def teardown_example(self, example):

    def __call__(self, result=None):
        testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName)
        if getattr(testMethod, u"is_hypothesis_test", False):
            return unittest.TestCase.__call__(self, result)
            return dt.SimpleTestCase.__call__(self, result)

class TestCase(HypothesisTestCase, dt.TestCase):

class TransactionTestCase(HypothesisTestCase, dt.TransactionTestCase):

[docs]@st.defines_strategy def from_model( model, # type: Type[dm.Model] **field_strategies # type: Union[st.SearchStrategy[Any], InferType] ): # type: (...) -> st.SearchStrategy[Any] """Return a strategy for examples of ``model``. .. warning:: Hypothesis creates saved models. This will run inside your testing transaction when using the test runner, but if you use the dev console this will leave debris in your database. ``model`` must be an subclass of :class:`~django:django.db.models.Model`. Strategies for fields may be passed as keyword arguments, for example ``is_staff=st.just(False)``. Hypothesis can often infer a strategy based the field type and validators, and will attempt to do so for any required fields. No strategy will be inferred for an :class:`~django:django.db.models.AutoField`, nullable field, foreign key, or field for which a keyword argument is passed to ``from_model()``. For example, a Shop type with a foreign key to Company could be generated with:: shop_strategy = from_model(Shop, company=from_model(Company)) Like for :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds`, you can pass :obj:`~hypothesis.infer` as a keyword argument to infer a strategy for a field which has a default value instead of using the default. """ if not issubclass(model, dm.Model): raise InvalidArgument("model=%r must be a subtype of Model" % (model,)) fields_by_name = { f for f in model._meta.concrete_fields} for name, value in sorted(field_strategies.items()): if value is infer: field_strategies[name] = from_field(fields_by_name[name]) for name, field in sorted(fields_by_name.items()): if ( name not in field_strategies and not field.auto_created and field.default is dm.fields.NOT_PROVIDED ): field_strategies[name] = from_field(field) for field in field_strategies: if model._meta.get_field(field).primary_key: # The primary key is generated as part of the strategy. We # want to find any existing row with this primary key and # overwrite its contents. kwargs = {field: field_strategies.pop(field)} kwargs["defaults"] = st.fixed_dictionaries(field_strategies) # type: ignore return _models_impl(st.builds(model.objects.update_or_create, **kwargs)) # The primary key is not generated as part of the strategy, so we # just match against any row that has the same value for all # fields. return _models_impl(st.builds(model.objects.get_or_create, **field_strategies))
@st.composite def _models_impl(draw, strat): """Handle the nasty part of drawing a value for models()""" try: return draw(strat)[0] except IntegrityError: reject()
[docs]@st.defines_strategy def from_form( form, # type: Type[dm.Model] form_kwargs=None, # type: dict **field_strategies # type: Union[st.SearchStrategy[Any], InferType] ): # type: (...) -> st.SearchStrategy[Any] """Return a strategy for examples of ``form``. ``form`` must be an subclass of :class:`~django:django.forms.Form`. Strategies for fields may be passed as keyword arguments, for example ``is_staff=st.just(False)``. Hypothesis can often infer a strategy based the field type and validators, and will attempt to do so for any required fields. No strategy will be inferred for a disabled field or field for which a keyword argument is passed to ``from_form()``. This function uses the fields of an unbound ``form`` instance to determine field strategies, any keyword arguments needed to instantiate the unbound ``form`` instance can be passed into ``from_form()`` as a dict with the keyword ``form_kwargs``. E.g.:: shop_strategy = from_form(Shop, form_kwargs={"company_id": 5}) Like for :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds`, you can pass :obj:`~hypothesis.infer` as a keyword argument to infer a strategy for a field which has a default value instead of using the default. """ # currently unsupported: # ComboField # FilePathField # FileField # ImageField form_kwargs = form_kwargs or {} if not issubclass(form, df.BaseForm): raise InvalidArgument("form=%r must be a subtype of Form" % (form,)) # Forms are a little bit different from models. Model classes have # all their fields defined, whereas forms may have different fields # per-instance. So, we ought to instantiate the form and get the # fields from the instance, thus we need to accept the kwargs for # instantiation as well as the explicitly defined strategies unbound_form = form(**form_kwargs) fields_by_name = {} for name, field in unbound_form.fields.items(): if isinstance(field, df.MultiValueField): # PS: So this is a little strange, but MultiValueFields must # have their form data encoded in a particular way for the # values to actually be picked up by the widget instances' # ``value_from_datadict``. # E.g. if a MultiValueField named 'mv_field' has 3 # sub-fields then the ``value_from_datadict`` will look for # 'mv_field_0', 'mv_field_1', and 'mv_field_2'. Here I'm # decomposing the individual sub-fields into the names that # the form validation process expects for i, _field in enumerate(field.fields): fields_by_name["%s_%d" % (name, i)] = _field else: fields_by_name[name] = field for name, value in sorted(field_strategies.items()): if value is infer: field_strategies[name] = from_field(fields_by_name[name]) for name, field in sorted(fields_by_name.items()): if name not in field_strategies and not field.disabled: field_strategies[name] = from_field(field) return _forms_impl( st.builds( partial(form, **form_kwargs), data=st.fixed_dictionaries(field_strategies), # type: ignore ) )
@st.composite def _forms_impl(draw, strat): """Handle the nasty part of drawing a value for from_form()""" try: return draw(strat) except ValidationError: reject()